I never thought of myself as a nerd growing up. In fact, I never really believed in labels. I didn't even know that people were categorized into ethnicities until a classmate told me that I smelled like curry in the seventh grade and I asked my mother, "Why?? We had burgers last night!" What the...because I'm brown, I'm being judged?!? I always smell like sunshine...curry hater.
While my peers were into sports, the latest trends, the opposite sex (or the same sex, in some cases), I was perfectly happy drawing that turtle found in the back of Be-Bop magazine, desperately trying to win that contest, which, to my dismay, later found out was a scam. I maxed out my library card, taking out 25 books at a time, wore jungle print shorts with a shirt that shouted "COOL" on it, declaring to the world that I was cool.

Tippy, the turtle :sigh:
Fast forward about twenty years later and thinking about it now, I haven't changed much. I'm still into painting, reading, and I even rocked a bright blue t-shirt that read "I Love Geeks" for a while (I was a nerd for Halloween during the year I bought it...'nuff said) The difference is, I'm not oblivious anymore, and I'm prepared to share it with my like-minded people...
So, here I plan on posting my random interests and observations.
May the force be with you.
So, here I plan on posting my random interests and observations.
May the force be with you.