
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Press Play

It’s 1:45am and in another one of my feeble attempts to get back into my regular sleeping pattern, I began to organize my CD collection. If you know me, most of my discs aren’t in their correct cases. In fact, I can almost guarantee that if you open a Dave Matthews album that I presently own, you’ll probably find Jay-Z where the DMB disc should be.

One of my many leaning CD towers

I digress. In my rummaging through the dusty covers, wrinkled jackets, and plastic cases, among discs of the past, I found many unlabeled discs that I made for either myself or copies of music that I made for someone else. Aware that I’m one of very few people who even bother to purchase or listen to CDs anymore, I place the undocumented pieces of my past into my CD player and pressed play. Here were artists I haven’t heard in years, memories that I put on my musical backburner, and most importantly, people who have since then faded from my life, or in some cases, still around.

Therefore my friends, I encourage you to take a journey into your own musical past. Listen to an artist that takes you back to that awkward house party, a good friend, or lost love. It’ll not only serve as a reminder of where you’ve been, but also, how far you’ve

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Word From Our Non-Sponsor

If you're a writer, you probably like to read. As a blogger, I like to read...other blogs.

Here's a post from one of my favorite musicians, John Mayer. Hate him or love him, the man has a way with words:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Doggone It!

I love Snuggies. And I love dogs. But this is going way too far:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Shiver Me Timbers!!!

Ahoy there, mateys!

Avast, National Speak Like a Pirate Day is September 19th! All in favor, say AYE:

How To Talk Like a Pirate

Don't be a lily-livered scallywag!!! Arrrrrgh!!!