
Monday, July 1, 2013

Hello Summer!

 (click image for source)

I can't believe it's been three months since my last post - it went from bitterly cold to brutally hot here in New York in about two seconds!  We had no Spring, but nonetheless, I'm glad summer is here.

I'm usually not a fan of the hot and humid months ahead, but this summer I have huge organizational plans for my home AND my life.  I tend to say this in my head all the time (haha!) but I truly want to make this into a reality this year.

Meanwhile, enjoy some of my favorito links I've happened to come across during my hiatus:

  •  Above, wise words that seemed to resonate in me from La Dolce Vita
  •  I totally need to follow this if I want to reach my goals in the next two months

Happy Happy Summer! =)

xoxo andrea

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of SPRING!

It's the first day of Spring, y'all!  Also, a day of a few other wonderful things!  =)  So why don't you...


Enjoy this beautiful day!

xoxo andrea

Sunday, February 10, 2013

If You Don't Know...

"One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted.  Do it now."
- Paulo Coelho

Hello there, folks!

It's been quite a while since the last installment of If You Don't Know, a round-up of my favorito finds on the world wide 'net.

Here ya go...
  • Above, a fantastic quote posted on La Dolce Vita from Paulo Coelho, author of one of my all-time favorite books, The Alchemist
  • A perfect addition to my plans for 2013...a New York Times article on how RELAXING can lead to being more productive!  What the what?!?
  • Some awesome street art found right here in Brooklyn
  • A very necessary reminder that every successful person had to start somewhere:  Check out some very dated photos/videos on Hairpin's  Quarter-Life Comedy:  What 50 Stars Were Doing When They Were 25  (Joan Rivers was an office assistant!) 
  • This recipe seems like a healthier (and way easier) version of my go-to breakfast, Huevos Rancheros.  AND how to make a heart-shaped egg!  (Just in time for Valentine's Day!)
  • Finally,  speaking of V-Day, How About We gives us some great date ideas in their Ultimate Guide to Valentine's Day - for everyone!

xoxo andrea

Thursday, January 24, 2013

On Living a Better Life

Hello all!  Let's all take a moment and rewind to exactly 23 days ago today... 

HAPPY 2013! 

Okay, okay. I know I'm a little late, but this gal has been BUSY. Doing what? Hmmm...I have no idea! Which leads me to my first post of the year: On Living a Better Life. 

Lately, I've been feeling a little blah about practically everything. Well, it's not really lately. My tiny "latelys" of the past have turned into one huge ick of an attitude that has basically consumed my life.  Needless to say, I'd like to shed this (and mucho poundage, please!) in the new year.  Here are just a few ways on how I plan on doing just that:

1.  Get more sleep.   I truly get about 4-5 hours of sleep a night.  On the weekdays, this causes me to lay in bed WAY past the snooze button, stumble out of bed, rush to get ready, throw some lame breakfast/lunch together and race to work.  Tired and hungry, I depend on coffee and gum to get me through the day - and I'm NOT in the best mood.  Then, I play catch-up on the weekends.  UGH.  It's the absolute worst.  When I think about now, I'm basically sleepwalking through life!

According to the Huffington Post, the health benefits of sleep includes keeping your stress at bay, helps your body avoid inflammation AND contributes to healthy weight loss.  It sparks creativity to boot! (Hence, more blog posts??)  Now for some fluffy pillows....

2.  Say "YES" more.  I loved the movie "Yes Man"  - mainly because of the message.  Basically, the main character shuts people out his life by rejecting every invite he receives.  One day, he commits to saying "yes" to absolutely everything, with positive outcomes.  I'm known to be a major flake, so this really hit home for me.  I've learned the hard way that people simply stop missing you once you stop showing up.  Sometimes it is as easy as just saying "yes."

3.  Walk.  When I worked in the city, I loved, loved, LOVED to walk from my office on 34th & 9th all the way to 63rd & Lex.  I took everything in - the way the neighborhoods changed, the crowds (or lack thereof), the huge buildings, the traffic...all while listening to music the whole way through.  Now that I drive to and from work, I've really adopted a lackadaisical routine that includes maybe a block of walking per day!  Shameful.  Here's an easy walking plan that I think can ease me back into a healthy exercise habit that I used to really love.

4.  Unplug and re-connect with REAL people.   One day I went to lunch with the bf and left my phone at home.  I have to say, it was a refreshing change.  I was totally tuned into everything, which is news to a tech junkie like me.  I am so in love with this professor's assignment on going tech-free for a day that I know that I'm going to try it very, very soon!

5. Surround yourself with positive, loving and supportive people.  I have been very, very, VERY lucky to be surrounded by positive, loving, supportive and inspirational people right from the start.  When things get out of control in your life, it's important to have trusted people - or even one person - who will love you, make you feel good and inspire you to be a better version of yourself. Studies have shown that increased social connections improves mental AND physical health, which in turn, contributes to longevity.  If your social count is low, joining a class or two might help in making more friends - and may allow for some good ol' fun time!

This list is far from done, but I tend to jump in with both feet, as my wise mama tells me.  More definitely to come!  

I hope that the new year is treating you well so far!

xoxo andrea