
Monday, November 28, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

(click for source)

...or is it??

New York Mag's put together a list of some of the chaos that happened as a result of the Black Friday/holiday shopping madness...what the heck?? Pepper sprayed for an Xbox?? Cutting in line and getting tasered?? Robbed at gunpoint in parking lots?? Jeez.

Seriously, is a 75" television even that necessary...and worth drawing blood? Do you really need that Blu-Ray player if it means turning into a werewolf? Most of the craziness seemed to happen at Walmart, but I also heard reports that a few high-end retailers were ransacked and even looted. I mean, really? Have some dignity, man!

All the Insanity From This Year's Black Friday Shopping

xoxo andrea

Saturday, November 26, 2011

If You Don't Know...

I've been browsing the 'net in boredom (and procrastination) so I thought I'd share some interesting stuff that I came across in my cyber-venture:
  • I've wanted to check out the High Line since last year, but my curiosity has now doubled since reading about the the "Low Line" - an underground version of the same. Read about it here.
  • There's a new Muppets movie that was released this weekend, but I'm more into learning about the man behind the puppets himself. The Museum of the Moving Image has an exhibition of Jim Henson's work going on through 1/16.
  • Mindy Kaling* just released a book that I absolutely love titled Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns). If you have a Nook, the enhanced version comes with real audio from Mindy narrating her hilarious childhood photos that I (and anyone) can relate to. I don't really like reading reviews, especially when they're negative, but check out Time Out New York's generally positive feedback here. (*Mindy plays "Kelly" from The Office and is my supposed long-lost twin. Hey, we all don't look alike, people!)
  • Speaking of The Office, while watching an episode online, I saw Gwen Stefani's commercial for her new kids collection, Harajuku Mini. Such a cool concept! See it on YouTube.
  • Finally, if you love the holidays like me (and you're lucky enough to live in New York City...), there's a few radio stations that play only holiday music now through Christmas! My fave is 106.7FM. If you don't have a radio around (I mean, seriously, who owns a radio these days?? =), you can check it out their online station here.

xoxo andrea

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving O' Mine

So yesterday was Thanksgiving and I thought to myself...what a perfect yet cliche reason to post! Here it goes - several people, places and things that I'm grateful for:

My 'hood. I was raised in Queens and I don't think I'd have it any other way. If you were to visit my neighborhood, you'd probably think to yourself, "Man, I should have packed my bulletproof vest!" but the block I grew up on is home to countless memories of my brother and I learning to ride our bikes, where we first put our hands behind a car wheel, walked to school, had snowball fights with my parents, played hazardous childhood games, etc. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Transportation, especially, my car. An overlooked, yet necessary, commodity. When I was a teenager (ok, my late 20's...) I didn't think I'd ever need a car. I'd just walk everywhere I go or take the bus or train! RIGHT. Now I can't picture my life without it. As a teacher, I carry a TON of bags, and as a person, I like the comfort of A/C or a heated space that I don't have to wait for. Thank you, DMV! (Shout out to my fam who encouraged me to drive!) Can't knock the buses and trains, either. I can always depend on mass transit when I revert to my old philosophies! (or can't find my GPS...LOL)

My job. I love it. Yes, there are times that I want to pull my hair out, but to put it simply, I can wake up feeling pretty crappy and enter work feeling brand new.

Technology. Sure, it could be pretty annoying, especially when my phone loses a call, or sending a text takes forever. Or even when your age, residence, photo and current work location is displayed for your local psycho to see. But, I've come to really appreciate the convenience of browsing the Internet for a rare music track, watching a movie with two clicks of a mouse, or finding out new info through websites and other blogs. Now, do I think it'll be the cause of the world's debacle? YES.

Music. 'Nuff said.

Laughter. I don't know if it's because I think my dad is the funniest person in the WORLD, but I think the ability to make people laugh is truly a gift. Plus, who doesn't love to laugh??

Education. I'm not just talking about formal education, but life's lessons as well. I think people can get as many diplomas as they want, but having common sense is absolutely priceless.

A positive attitude. Ok, I'm allowed to get a little narcissistic here. =) I think a positive attitude can be a life-changer. I've had my share of challenges in life so far, just like you. The negative route seems just 'round the corner and I've been guilty of taking it. But, I was fortunate enough to have parents teach me that with hard work and the right attitude, you can go pretty far AND have peace of mind. To me, that is the epitome of positivity.

2. Books. *NERD ALERT* As a wee girl in the first grade, I used to max out my library card by taking out 25 books at a time. I knew since then that they can take you anywhere.

Love. I am so blessed with the amount of love that I've received in my life so far. More than I deserve at times. From unconditional love by my parents and brother to that of extended family, friends and a very significant other, I couldn't be luckier.

'Hope your Thanksgiving was glorious!

xoxo andrea

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Glass Empty

I just heard that a former student of mine was killed over his iPhone.

His iPhone.

It's things like this that has changed me from the person I used to be. I wish I could say that I was the same girl that I was just 5 or so years ago. The truth is, I've begun to realize that it's close to impossible to live a 100% worry-free, happy-go-lucky life. What I've found to be the most difficult struggle is wiping the slate clean so that I'm not jaded anymore.

The thing is, the easiest thing to do is to succumb to the negativity. Let it break you. But I refuse to do that. I refuse to believe that life is just full of disappointment, heartbreak, loss and sorrow. I refuse to believe that there isn't any good left in the world. I refuse to believe that people are truly evil.

But why do these bad things happen? I find that the suffering of children is the worst of them all. Why do young people die? Why are there so many starving children in the world? Why do some parents treat their children like shit while others are praying for just one healthy child?

I don't get it.